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The Dojo Foundation

Dojo Foundation and jQuery Foundation: A New Force in Open Source Development


The Dojo Foundation, a 501c6 entity founded to house the code and IP rights for the Dojo JavaScript toolkit, and the jQuery Foundation, a non-profit organization supporting the jQuery JavaScript library, have announced plans to merge and form a new foundation.

Dojo: A Time-Saving Toolkit

Dojo is an open-source JavaScript toolkit that streamlines development processes and scales effectively as projects grow. Its foundation provides a stable home for the core IP and code, while fostering collaboration between a diverse community of developers.

A Non-Profit Foundation for Open Source

The Dojo Foundation was established to safeguard the Dojo project and ensure its long-term sustainability. As a non-profit entity, it focuses on supporting the open-source community and promoting innovation in JavaScript development.

Collaboration and Expansion

The merger with the jQuery Foundation will create a powerful new entity dedicated to advancing open-source JavaScript development. The combined resources and expertise of both foundations will accelerate the growth of both Dojo and jQuery, while driving wider adoption of open-source software.

Community Engagement

The Reference Guide for the merged foundation will be developed collaboratively, allowing contributions from any individual with a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) in place. This inclusive approach ensures that the combined resources reflect the diverse perspectives and needs of the open-source community.

The Future of Dojo

Dojo 1x is now hosted on GitHub, serving as the primary platform for Dojo 20. The Dojo Foundation website provides additional information about the project and its future development roadmap.

This merger is a significant milestone in the open-source JavaScript landscape, bringing together two established foundations to create a formidable force in the development ecosystem. As Dojo and jQuery continue to evolve, the combined foundation will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of open-source JavaScript development.
