Convert 165 cm to feet and inches
Calculating Height Conversions Made Simple
Need to convert centimeters to feet and inches? Our easy-to-use calculator makes the process a breeze. Simply enter your height in centimeters, and we'll provide the equivalent measurement in feet and inches, rounded to the nearest inch.
Example Conversion: 165 cm to feet and inches
To convert 165 cm to feet and inches, enter the value into our calculator. The result is 5 feet and 4.96 inches. Rounded to the nearest inch, this gives us a height of 5 feet 5 inches.
Formula for Converting Centimeters to Feet and Inches
The formula for converting centimeters to feet and inches is:
Height in feet = Centimeters ÷ 30.48
Height in inches = (Height in feet - whole number) x 12
Other Conversion Tools
In addition to our centimeters to feet and inches calculator, we also offer tools to convert other units of measurement, including:
- Inches to centimeters
- Feet to centimeters
- Miles to kilometers
- Pounds to kilograms
We hope these tools help you with your conversion needs!